Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holy crap, it's been a month!

Alright folks. It's been a while. A few things have happened and I will fill you in on everything.

1) School ended. I have never been this happy to have nothing to do.
2) I got a lead on 2 jobs that are looking pretty promising. I'll find out more come the new year.
3) Christmas is Saturday (first year in ages that I haven't done an hour countdown. Good heavens!)
4) Homestarrunner updated for the first time in ages!
5) I did a little dance and liked it.

That's it everyone! Due to my lack up updates during the finals season, I decided to give you a triplesty of pages. Enjoy! Expect more of these more often. Maybe... We still don;t have internet in our house.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back to the last of school

The little note is from Barret Lybbert. One of my two companions on my mission at the time.

To explain the last two weeks of fun times, the last week of school was pretty sweet. Not a whole lot of things to do on my part. Classes went well and the week ended without a hitch. The next week (thanksgiving week) was good. We had a pretty stressful Wednesday that got ridiculous as the day moved on. Family issues and unexpected "Hey, you! Dive a third of your family to Logan" type business. Roads were insane (It took 5 hours to get to Logan. Normally: 2.5). After that, we headed down to Orem to see my side of the family. It was great. I got to see some friends I hadn't seen in ages and good times were had by all. So there you go! Thanksgiving! Enjoy.

Until next time: rock it on.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Does what ever a deckhand can...

This one was done by my trainer, Jason Swanson. He's a good man.

As for me, I have absolutely nothing to report. Slow week, folks. School is school. Anyways, Thanksgiving is coming! Who's excited? Me.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

That's kind of gross...

Alright everyone: new Psych yesterday. Anybody else kind of feel it was a let down with Shawn and Juliet? Let me know how you felt about it. I was rather let down with them getting ALL OVER each other all over the place at the end. Am I excited to see how the rest of the season goes? Yes. Very yes. I can't really complain. It was a good episode and the little extra stuff at the end was wonderful (Gus's different passwords for Macintosh's computer and Cary Elwes' exclamations. Priceless)

Well... there you go. Rock it on for a while longer everybody. Harry Potter 7.1 is almost out! JUBILATIONS!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Homo gay

School is always fun. I've been slammed with all sorts of "read a jillion pages and get back to me next class" type assignments recently. Always a great thing... Umm... as for me, I'm still looking for a job and people are working on getting back to me. This week should be good. Pray for me, if you wouldn't mind. Thanks everyone!

Also, Scott Pilgrim is on DVD. Be a dear and buy it for me.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Bad smells and Mountain Climbers

Welcome back! Sorry about the week long absence. Things get messed up and the house needs cleaning. Life moves on though. I'm working hard at school and looking for a job at a copy place near campus. Pray that I get it! I'm excited to see how it pans out.

Catherine and I bought Toy Story 3 for me as an early Christmas present. I'm not gonna lie. I want both a stuffed Totoro and one of those "peas in a pod" things. I REALLY want it. If you know where to get one, let me know. I will buy it posthaste and thank you profusely. I might even send you cookies. No joke.

Oh. Also, Stuart and I finished Re: Your Brains and Outspoken performs it on the 12th. I hope it goes well.

Well, until next time, friends. Later!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Gah! I'm getting sloppy!

Sorry for the sporadic updating. I've got a lot on my plate lately and not a lot of internet to do it. Anyways, I'm working on getting this thing back up and running again. I've been lousy with this. Anyways, there you go.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm back!

Sorry for not updating in the last week or so. I recently got "Plants Vs Zombies" for my computer and I have spent an INSANE amount of time defending my lawn. Forgive me. I'm back on track!

Friday, October 15, 2010


WEEEEEEEEEEKEEEEEEEEEEEEND!!! Also, "How to Train Your Dragon" is on DVD today (FINALLY!). You should go and buy it... NOW... twice.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Watching Pedro

Still no internet at our house. I'm not sure when we're figuring that out, but it'll happen eventually. Until then, I have to work on my a capella version of Johnathan Coulton's "Re: Your Brains" for OSU's "Outspoken" to sing on Halloween. It's crazy.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

That's my Girl...

1,000 pardons for the delay. Still no internet in our house. Is getting remedied this week.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Answer: Not THAT far...

So... the family that we siphon internet from is out of town this week and I have to make sure that I update this at school until they get back. Silly me... Seriously, I swear one day that we'll actually get a secure connection at our place. In due time... in due time...

Monday, October 4, 2010

The birth of a legend

Dear ladies and gentlemen, this is the original Ol' Gapin' Jaws. He was created on this page and as such has begun to be the legend that he is. Various ways he has come to be known in the family Jaws are such wonderful versions as "Li'l Tomato Jaws", "Ol' Knight Jaws", "Prehistoric CRAZAY Jaws" and "Ol' Barfy Jaws". This is probably the best thing to come out of my mission, no joke (oh yeah... that and the converts...).

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Slowly slipping

Jeez! I'm getting ridiculous at this updating thing. Sorry again for the postponing of that. Things happen and things get pushed back. 10,000 pardons.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fugly Pete shows his... well... you know...

Another day and another sad moment for our pal, Fugly Pete. Enjoy the post, me mateys! There be more a-comin' off the portward bow.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Okay, back in business!

Sorry for the delay. School is a bum and I get sidetracked easily. Anyways, I have enough of these to hold me over for updates for a while. I do enjoy a good coloring book when I use one. This is the original book and is, to this day, the only coloring book to have ever had a copy made of it... THRICE. For those of you who own one, enjoy it. It's a gem.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The end of another book

With this post, I end the catholic bible book. It was a fun ride, but now I begin another of the wonderful books. The Book that started it all: The original pirate book. Be excited folks, this is the book that made this idea a popular one in Florida. This is a powerful thing that is being unleashed. More tomorrow. Until then, enjoy the last DBZ page I had lying around.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Horrible Service


Edit: This entry was designed by none other than a certain "Optimistic." who is, in fact, my brother. And now you know.

Monday, September 20, 2010

More Blasphemies

Yeah yeah yeah... I missed Friday because I was having too good of a time with all of my friends. My buddy Joel went back on Saturday and we had a killer time out here just catching up and having a jolly old time. So, to make up for my tardiness, here's two pages done by the wonderful sister of mine, Diane. Thanks muchly for the ideas, Beast. You're most excellent.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Musical interlude...

My buddy Joel just came into town. We've been having an awesome time talking with him and his Fiancee. Other than that, life has been moving along quite nicely. Catherine is improving in her health and life moves on. Hooray Rexburg!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Umm... actually, TODAY is the 1 year anniversary of this thing! Talk about awesome! Woo!

The pinnacle... kind of

Swing and a miss for this book.

Anyways, the internet in our home is being rather screwy. It works after 11 PM, but no earlier. It's a strange phenomena and has yet to be resolved. School is moving along nicely and I'm adjusting to the amount of schoolwork being thrust at me, but I like it. Also, interesting bit of news, the 1 year anniversary of this blog is coming up. It's gonna be big! (Maybe). Tell your friends.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Whips at the ready, men!

Now, don't you get any wrong ideas from this one. I'm just telling you what the angel told me to tell you.

This is one of the more fun things that I have found in my word search times in the coloring books. Flog 'em good.

Monday, September 13, 2010

This thing on... hello? This thing still on?

Good heavens!

I have been gone for faaaar too long. Sorry. For those of you who are married, you know how things get when you move in. For those who have not, you know what it's like to move into a place. Anyways, finally got a scanner to work and decided that enough waiting was enough. I have scanned more and have a week or so left of Bible pages from this book. We're done with the old testament and move on to the New. Things get a little interesting from the authors of this thing, lemme tell ya. Anyways, I'm married, life is good and things move on as they always do. On that note, anybody wanna give me a job?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Crap in a bag...

Alright folks, two bits of news.

1) The people that we were totally yanking internet from at our apartment locked it up that next morning. As such, we are internetless again.

2) I forgot to scan more than I already have. As such, Ulterior Motives goes on another hiatus. It'll pick back up when we get internet or when I head back to school. Whichever comes first.

Also, speaking of that: Go and read "Heck: Where the bad kids go". Kind of fun in a painful way.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

You know how it is...

Things are odd when you see that you have nothing planned for the next few weeks. I have literally nothing planned for me except for job hunting for the next 3 weeks. Lame!

Monday, August 16, 2010


I'm back! YAY!!! Also, Go watch Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Got it!

We got internet (kind of) and I'll be back up and doing this regularly again. Thanks for your patience.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Still some technical issues

Sorry about the off and on updating. It's been hard to get settled on finances and whatnot to get this thing updated regularly. I'm working on it. Internet might be a bit harder to wrangle for a bit. Keep buckled in for a bit. I'll update when I have the chance. Until then, know that I'm still
gonna keep it going. Thanks everybody!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Still technical problems

Sorry for the "here and there" type updating. Still working on getting internet in the house. It could be a bit. Thanks for the patience on your parts (tee hee). Alright. Back to babysitting the Dresen children.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Back in Action!

ALRIGHT!!! Back from the glorious honeymoon and associated businesses. We're back home and housesitting for the Dresen parents. It's a sweet deal, as they have internet and a cooler (temperature wise) house than we do. This... is awesome.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Alright folks. Here's what's up. I'm back from the honeymoon and all is well... except that our new place doesn;t have internet yet. So... Gimme some time, I'll be back up and running in no time.

Friday, July 23, 2010

200th post spectacular!

That's right folks! I'm celebrating my 200th post by not posting anything and telling you all to not bug me about it for 10 days! I got married today, so bug off! I love you all and your continued patronage is appreciated, but I'M A MARRIED MAN!!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Is that really on Friday?

What a day.
Classes officially ended today and Finals are tomorrow. I have 3 to take from 3:30 to 7:15. Each period of testing is 1:30 long. This could be fun. Calculus at 3:30, DNA and D+C at 5:45. Good gravy. Then, a bachelor party/last day as a single man/ goof off-type thing to end it all. It's crazy to know that I'm getting married in 35 hours. (yeah, I hear the chuckling from my family that I'm into hours...) Other than that, my friend Nathan Veech just came into town and we've been having an awesome time catching up with him after our 3-ish year separation. Many a great time was had. As for me now, I have one final to prepare for a bit and then I am off to sleep for the last night I have in this apartment. Thanks be to heaven for that one. I'm ready to be outta here.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Camera work, anybody?

Most of our stuff in moved into our new place. Thanks, Mom and Dad for doing that for us. You're totally awesome. Tomorrow: the bed... dun DUN DUUUUUUUN!!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fashion woes

I'm getting married on Friday. Good holy snot! That's amazing!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The ministry of silly walks

Sorry again for the late posting. This weekend has been... how do you say... eventful. The wedding is right around the corner and I'm super excited. My parents have just arrived in Idaho and had a wonderful day with The Dresen side of things. It was wonderful. I am most thankful for all they do. Life is marvelous folks.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I need me some more pages!

Sorry for not updating yesterday. I had an event of a time registering for classes at BYU-I. Seriously... I'm going to slay the school servers. Not. User. Friendly.

Umm... Catherine and I are now entirely ready to go to the temple... ON SATURDAY!!! Goodness me. It's upon us! It's pretty awesome... and insane at the same time. Woo! We're almost married!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Or so you thought, Samson...

Yaaaaaay Tuesday. I took my Acting I final today. Aced the dang thing. Other than that, I just did what I always do on everyday and just enjoyed life for what it was. Apparently there was some sort of fire that started near Idaho Falls and put this crazy smoke screen in the sky that made the sky look pretty cool and ominous. Pictures were taken.

Right now, Catherine is upstairs in her house having her hair done to see what it will look like for our wedding day. It's crazy knowing that it's coming so dang soon. It's neat and terrifying. So... yeah. There you go