Welcome back! Sorry about the week long absence. Things get messed up and the house needs cleaning. Life moves on though. I'm working hard at school and looking for a job at a copy place near campus. Pray that I get it! I'm excited to see how it pans out.
Catherine and I bought Toy Story 3 for me as an early Christmas present. I'm not gonna lie. I want both a stuffed Totoro and one of those "peas in a pod" things. I REALLY want it. If you know where to get one, let me know. I will buy it posthaste and thank you profusely. I might even send you cookies. No joke.
Oh. Also, Stuart and I finished Re: Your Brains and Outspoken performs it on the 12th. I hope it goes well.
Well, until next time, friends. Later!
Back home there's a store called Uwajimaya in Beaverton. They have a bookstore with all sorts of Totoros - plush dolls, hoodies, hats, all that good stuff. Maybe tell your folks and they can get it for you for Christmas.