Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back to the last of school

The little note is from Barret Lybbert. One of my two companions on my mission at the time.

To explain the last two weeks of fun times, the last week of school was pretty sweet. Not a whole lot of things to do on my part. Classes went well and the week ended without a hitch. The next week (thanksgiving week) was good. We had a pretty stressful Wednesday that got ridiculous as the day moved on. Family issues and unexpected "Hey, you! Dive a third of your family to Logan" type business. Roads were insane (It took 5 hours to get to Logan. Normally: 2.5). After that, we headed down to Orem to see my side of the family. It was great. I got to see some friends I hadn't seen in ages and good times were had by all. So there you go! Thanksgiving! Enjoy.

Until next time: rock it on.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Does what ever a deckhand can...

This one was done by my trainer, Jason Swanson. He's a good man.

As for me, I have absolutely nothing to report. Slow week, folks. School is school. Anyways, Thanksgiving is coming! Who's excited? Me.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

That's kind of gross...

Alright everyone: new Psych yesterday. Anybody else kind of feel it was a let down with Shawn and Juliet? Let me know how you felt about it. I was rather let down with them getting ALL OVER each other all over the place at the end. Am I excited to see how the rest of the season goes? Yes. Very yes. I can't really complain. It was a good episode and the little extra stuff at the end was wonderful (Gus's different passwords for Macintosh's computer and Cary Elwes' exclamations. Priceless)

Well... there you go. Rock it on for a while longer everybody. Harry Potter 7.1 is almost out! JUBILATIONS!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Homo gay

School is always fun. I've been slammed with all sorts of "read a jillion pages and get back to me next class" type assignments recently. Always a great thing... Umm... as for me, I'm still looking for a job and people are working on getting back to me. This week should be good. Pray for me, if you wouldn't mind. Thanks everyone!

Also, Scott Pilgrim is on DVD. Be a dear and buy it for me.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Bad smells and Mountain Climbers

Welcome back! Sorry about the week long absence. Things get messed up and the house needs cleaning. Life moves on though. I'm working hard at school and looking for a job at a copy place near campus. Pray that I get it! I'm excited to see how it pans out.

Catherine and I bought Toy Story 3 for me as an early Christmas present. I'm not gonna lie. I want both a stuffed Totoro and one of those "peas in a pod" things. I REALLY want it. If you know where to get one, let me know. I will buy it posthaste and thank you profusely. I might even send you cookies. No joke.

Oh. Also, Stuart and I finished Re: Your Brains and Outspoken performs it on the 12th. I hope it goes well.

Well, until next time, friends. Later!