As for other joys and jubilations, I took my calculus test today and I friggin' whomped the crud out of that thing! I nailed it! It was a pleasing feeling, as I have never had the pleasure of actually feeling good when I took a math test this semester, but this one was awesome. I felt very confident and I only skipped one problem because it was ridiculous. 1 skipped out of 26 problems is alright. Not the best, but good. So.. there you have it. Catherine made another totally sick cheesecake last night and it was marvelous (raspberry mousse, anyone?). I also met some totally awesome people out there in Rexburg tonight. Good folks that I plan to get to know better over the months and years that I'm in college. Gooood times.
Night folks! I have a cold to fight off! Lataz!
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