That is... until Sunday night. I got a text from a person that I didn't even know. She later informed me that her name was "Rachel". Rachel had apparently been looking for my younger brother, Matt, only to find that I had inherited his phone and that he was (and is) now in Utah serving his mission. So... she started talking again, asking if I was "the cute brother". Taken aback for a second, I asked her why she thought so. Her response, "Matt showed me a picture of you all = and there was "him, the cute brother and the married brother". I guess I was the cute one. Whatever. So it was. She was kind of swooning over the fact of talking to "the cute one" and wondered what she should do. I then informed her that I was engaged and she responded with "oh... you should probably disregard the picture I just sent you then...". At this point, I hadn't gotten the picture on my phone, so I thought nothing of it and the conversation stopped. Not a minute later do a get a little buzz on my phone and I see that I have received said picture. Knowing it would cost me some money to open it, I decided to be a little curious and see what it was.
Seems she thought she would try to be a little seductive towards me and she decided to take a picture of something a little bit ridiculous: Her vagina. That's what I had staring back at me on my phone. It was quickly deleted and I just kind of sat there for a second and wondered a few things to myself. 1) What the freak just happened? 2) Who the freak is this girl? and 3) What the freak kind of flirting tactics are those? Needless to say I have lost some faith in the youth of today. Good heavens. What a Sunday...
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