Here is your picture of a sloth that has nothing to do with anything else in the coloring book at hand.
As for the title of this blog... let me explain. So, today my buddy Nic got married to his High-school sweetheart, Janey. This is wonderful! I could not be more excited for them. This is a wonderful thing to have happen. We were there for the sealing ceremony in the Portland temple and it was a truly glorious occasion. I did way good at still being optimistic about the whole thing.
Now, it's not like I'm dubious of the love between the two friends (now spouses) or anything, but it's just that I left
somebody very special to me that I'm going to do the same thing with. I sat there and just wanted to be with her and love every single second of it. Alas, 757.7 miles of distance separate us from that reality. So... this was my first obstacle and it wasn't that hard to overcome. I just called her to quell that feeling. It's the second obstacle that really got me.
Nic and I have been like... best friends since 7th grade when I met him in middle school and my deacon's quorum. We've done tons of stuff together: camp-outs, sleepovers, plays, choir, brouhahas, DDR, Guitar Hero, Nickel Arcades, Red Robin and countless other things too dumb to even mention. Today, Nic took a step that I can't yet. He's married to a woman that he loves. He has thusly moved onto another part of life that kind of leaves me in the dust. Given, he's still my friend and that bond is still alive and well. It's just the fact that this is seriously happening! He's married! I was there when it happened and I cannot just say that it was a figment of my imagination nor can I say "dude, when you get married..."because it's happened. It's done. I didn't have nearly enough time to see him at the reception (even though some of my desires were bit selfish in thinking that he would spend a some of that time alone with me) and that's mainly due to this crazy snowdrift we got here in Oregon, but it's just hard to not have the time to do what you wanted to do in the way that you wanted to do it. It's rough, but I know it's not the end. It just takes some time to get my feelings straight on the subject. It's a crazy transition that I have yet to completely understand. It's just close to home this time. That makes it doubly hard.
Well... that's it from me for today. I got a job from a friend's dad's boss tomorrow that I get to go and do. Warehouse fun times. Wish me luck.