So, for the title of the blog. I think I told you all about Noah and his lunch box last Wednesday. (recap: I hid it, Noah freaked out, doesn't talk to me anymore) So, today I finally mustered up the courage to say "I'm sorry" to him to get this whole thing behind us. Well... it seems that Noah is on an angry run these days and found everything that I was doing as something that was either a way for me to look better in the eyes of everyone else at work or a personal attack on him. Serious! I'm new at this whole "having somebody at work hating you" thing and the apologizing thing as well, but Noah is something else. He has, so far, accused me of "gratifying my righteousness", "treating him like a chump" and a few other things. Does this sound like I'm doing something malicious? THIS WHOLE THING IS ABOUT A FRIGGING LUNCH BOX A FREAKING WEEK AGO! I didn't run over this guy's cat, I didn't make everybody think he was stupid or anything but it seems that I have offended him (and continue to) with everything that I do to make it better. He can get pretty scary when he's angry, too. It's a good thing that if he punches me that he'll get fired. Any safety precaution is a good precaution.
Oh, and to make matters even more funny and ridiculous, I was talking to one of the people that was there when the lunch box was hidden and it turns out that I just came up with the idea and that another one of my coworkers actually hid the dang thing. So... I'm getting blamed for something I thought I did. Crap.
So that's my day. How's yours?
Maybe that guy should grow up(and a pair).