It's my Friday folks! I had a pretty good last shift of work until the last few minutes of it all when a practical joke went horribly HORRIBLY wrong. We had hid one of the other employee's lunch box and had thought nothing of it, right? Anyway, He didn't like that too much. Seems I took the blame for it (though there were others in on it) because I'm the one to actually put the lunch box where it was and He read me the riot act, per se. Serious. I thought for a few moments that if I did anything wrong when he confronted me that I would have left for home with significantly less of my blood in my body. It was not a pleasant situation. I'm over it now and I hope that things will have cooled off by the time I get back to work on Friday. I'll apologize again and hope that these next 3 weeks of work (3?!?! THREE WEEKS?!?!) will go smoothly. Until then, enjoy more of the Ninja Turtles.
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