Also, yesterday was my last day at work and let me tell you that it was pretty much awesome. I was greeted in my lunch by one of my coworkers, Alexandra, giving me two pizza hut stuffed crust pizzas!as well as two two-liters. It was awesome! I shared it with everybody there and we just loved it and had an awesome time. After work finished, we got everybody that wanted to go and we headed off to our standard Wednesday-end-of-the-week-celebratory spot: Donut Land. It was a freaking party! So we all just had a grand ol time and I got a present from my friends Craig and Shilah and it was simply wonderful. It was pretty hard to leave everyone. Not gonna lie. It didn't really sink in until I actually hugged everyone and went out the door, but it was tough. To make matters even "better", I went back to Donut Land today for breakfast and the owner asked me if it was my birthday yesterday. I told him what was going on and he wished me luck for all of my endeavors in Idaho. There you go. The Donut guy wished me good luck. I love this place!