Ulterior motives: Ideals being beyond what is seen or avowed; Plans intentionally kept concealed
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Morning Exercises

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Really? Right now?

However, I forgot to tell you all that my last post was my 250th! Woo! Way to go me!
That is all... go about your business.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011

(also, apparently Osama Bin Laden is dead. Crazy, eh?)
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Get yo' GROOVE on!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Round 2

As for news, I got a job at Toys R Us (you may have already heard) and I might be getting a job at the Idaho Falls Wingers. Wish me luck, as I would like tips to be added to my income. It'd be awesome. Anyways, I also got a Black Wii a few days back (Monday, to be exact) and have been doing nothing short of enjoying it. Catherine has been enjoying the Gamecube version of Ocarina of Time while I have been sampling the other games that I have borrowed (Super Paper Mario being my favorite). That's about it for the time being.
Anyways, I am off to do school-y things. Thanks for reading!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Yay for work!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
A JOB?!?!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
A light?

1) I just got a call from Micheal's craft store yesterday asking if I wold come in and have an interview. I gladly accepted and it went pretty well from what I could gather. My interview was this morning and I'm pretty excited to see if they'll give me the job. They'll give me a call next Thursday.
2) I stopped in at a place called "Wingers" (a restaurant) and handed in my application and my resume. Turns out that the guy that I gave it to was the Manager. He liked my application and told me that if he didn't get back to me by Wednesday that I should call him and remind him that I am interested in working there.
So, yeah! A month's worth of prayer and fasting answered in 3 days. Here's to hoping that a lot of other people like my application!
Thanks for all of your help out there!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Anger management

As for life here, I'm still on the look for a job. Other than that, not much to talk about here. I guess the fact that we now have cable TV is a new thing. It's nice, but kind of a curse too. We spend a good deal of our days off just watching TV and it certainly made our bed-time a lot later. We'll work on that. Anyways, that's all for here. More later!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Somebody gimme a job!!!

So... there you go. Any questions? Whatever...
Monday, January 10, 2011
An Other Updatery

So, my job hunt continues and is not looking to be the best for me. There are a lot of places in town that have told me that they were hiring and then they went and hired somebody else while I wasn't looking. It's not the worst thing ever, but it certainly sucks. My last (and oddly best looking) option is working at the Call center in town. It looks like pretty lousy work, what with the calling people for surveys that they more often than not do not want to take, but the pay looks pretty great if I can keep it up for a while. Wish me luck, folks. This could be it for a while.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
A Gnu Fargin' New Year

In further news, anybody that has known me since '05 knows that my buddy Clayton and I made a card game ages ago. It is called Justice Fighters and I have decided to start it up again. If you want to know more (it's extremely easy to make cards for it) or if you want to help out, I would love to hear about it. Email me or comment or something. I'm in for any help. Also, to make the process better, I got a lamination machine (finally. I'm done laminating with packing tape) and the process looks so much better. I'll keep you posted. It's gonna be big.
Anyways, HAPPY 2011!!
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