Sorry for the delay. School is a bum and I get sidetracked easily. Anyways, I have enough of these to hold me over for updates for a while. I do enjoy a good coloring book when I use one. This is the original book and is, to this day, the only coloring book to have ever had a copy made of it... THRICE. For those of you who own one, enjoy it. It's a gem.
With this post, I end the catholic bible book. It was a fun ride, but now I begin another of the wonderful books. The Book that started it all: The original pirate book. Be excited folks, this is the book that made this idea a popular one in Florida. This is a powerful thing that is being unleashed. More tomorrow. Until then, enjoy the last DBZ page I had lying around.
Yeah yeah yeah... I missed Friday because I was having too good of a time with all of my friends. My buddy Joel went back on Saturday and we had a killer time out here just catching up and having a jolly old time. So, to make up for my tardiness, here's two pages done by the wonderful sister of mine, Diane. Thanks muchly for the ideas, Beast. You're most excellent.
My buddy Joel just came into town. We've been having an awesome time talking with him and his Fiancee. Other than that, life has been moving along quite nicely. Catherine is improving in her health and life moves on. Hooray Rexburg!
Anyways, the internet in our home is being rather screwy. It works after 11 PM, but no earlier. It's a strange phenomena and has yet to be resolved. School is moving along nicely and I'm adjusting to the amount of schoolwork being thrust at me, but I like it. Also, interesting bit of news, the 1 year anniversary of this blog is coming up. It's gonna be big! (Maybe). Tell your friends.
I have been gone for faaaar too long. Sorry. For those of you who are married, you know how things get when you move in. For those who have not, you know what it's like to move into a place. Anyways, finally got a scanner to work and decided that enough waiting was enough. I have scanned more and have a week or so left of Bible pages from this book. We're done with the old testament and move on to the New. Things get a little interesting from the authors of this thing, lemme tell ya. Anyways, I'm married, life is good and things move on as they always do. On that note, anybody wanna give me a job?