Friday, August 20, 2010

Crap in a bag...

Alright folks, two bits of news.

1) The people that we were totally yanking internet from at our apartment locked it up that next morning. As such, we are internetless again.

2) I forgot to scan more than I already have. As such, Ulterior Motives goes on another hiatus. It'll pick back up when we get internet or when I head back to school. Whichever comes first.

Also, speaking of that: Go and read "Heck: Where the bad kids go". Kind of fun in a painful way.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

You know how it is...

Things are odd when you see that you have nothing planned for the next few weeks. I have literally nothing planned for me except for job hunting for the next 3 weeks. Lame!

Monday, August 16, 2010


I'm back! YAY!!! Also, Go watch Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Got it!

We got internet (kind of) and I'll be back up and doing this regularly again. Thanks for your patience.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Still some technical issues

Sorry about the off and on updating. It's been hard to get settled on finances and whatnot to get this thing updated regularly. I'm working on it. Internet might be a bit harder to wrangle for a bit. Keep buckled in for a bit. I'll update when I have the chance. Until then, know that I'm still
gonna keep it going. Thanks everybody!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Still technical problems

Sorry for the "here and there" type updating. Still working on getting internet in the house. It could be a bit. Thanks for the patience on your parts (tee hee). Alright. Back to babysitting the Dresen children.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Back in Action!

ALRIGHT!!! Back from the glorious honeymoon and associated businesses. We're back home and housesitting for the Dresen parents. It's a sweet deal, as they have internet and a cooler (temperature wise) house than we do. This... is awesome.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Alright folks. Here's what's up. I'm back from the honeymoon and all is well... except that our new place doesn;t have internet yet. So... Gimme some time, I'll be back up and running in no time.